If you know my work, then you KNOW how I speak of the power of QUESTION. Asking them regularly & about everything. Heck, allowing yourself to LIVE & DWELL in the energy of curiosity. 🪄
But why????
Because questions are your BRIDGE from where you are STUCK, to the CLARITY dropping in. Your problem & solution are NOT the same frequency. Meaning when you are focused on the problem, you will NOT be able to access the solution. 🫣
However asking a question, shifts your brain to focus on the BELIEF that a solution is possible... even when you can't see it... or feel it. And if you want anything to change, you have to BELIEVE it is possible FIRST. 🔮
So then... what is the POWER of asking your question out-loud? 🤔
Well what do you usually do when you feel stuck on something?
👉🏻Normally one of two things: Either FREEZE & avoid the thing all together OR, focus on it to death w judgments & LOOP the problem over & over & over only to become MORE confused. Ooof! 😣
So what does it take to SHIFT? You have to bring your awareness to the energy that is stuck... How do you do that? By asking a QUESTION!
That is where yours truly comes in. 😏
You ask a question - I tap into the energy of what is REALLY underneath it. That is my gift, reading into what is really going on or the ROOT so to speak. And you know what they say about pulling weeds, get to the ROOT baby! 🌾
I tap in & connect to what is really UP, what needs to be heard, & translate from there. Then what does that create?

"Working with Dr. Kreft has really been a game changer for myself and my business growth! Entrepreneurship can be incredibly rewarding but it also comes with challenges, especially around mindset and themes of 'not being good enough', 'what makes me different from other people' and so on. If this sounds like you, I highly recommend joining her program! Dr. Kreft possesses the skill set to help push you through the other side of this journey. She holds space and offers an invitation to safely step into the realm of curiosity and possibility around our business... a place we are often hesitant to go on our own when first starting out. I can't thank her enough!"
S P A C E... which allows clarity & solutions to DROP IN. 💡💡💡
⚡️The clarity to CHOOSE & move forward.
⚡️The awareness to lean into trusting YOU.
⚡️And the ability to be willing to create something different for yourself.
When you join you will have instant access to our previous calls in your member portal. Check out some of the topics we have explored so far! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
✨Make SPACE to receive the clarity to TRUST YOU.
Topics included: Collective change, feeling like your regressing, faith & God, judgment, & creating foundations for the future self
✨Feelings are guidance when you are regulated
Topics included: Shame & guilt, taking responsibility for how others feel, being your authentic self even when it’s different, consumption fasting, & leaning into the unknown.
✨Feel Your Way to Creating
Topics included: Manifestation, overthinking, cultivating the feeling, order of ops, & always wanting more.
✨Expanding Capacity
Topics included: Nervous system edges, letting go of results, energy awareness in media creation, overflow.

"I was able to shift from this pushing, trying, burnt out, scarcity mindset to choosing it differently. Feeling into it, and letting it tell me. I was able to have the biggest week in my business once I let. That. SHIT. Go. Choose light over heavy and have wayyy more fun with it! This was absolutely incredible."

"Working with Dr. Kreft has been a great experience from start to finish. From the first call I felt at ease and was excited to start on this journey with her. She has a way of making me feel confident even when there is so much doubt and uncertainty around the things I want to do. I gained confidence, clarity, and insight through our journey together and I look forward to working with her again in the near future."

"Working with Dr. K was such a great experience. What did I love most? Dr. K sees things "differently" and was always able to offer an interesting perspective. I loved that she was sharing her own journey in real time and it was all so practical and helpful. Dr. K shared so much more than expected which I really appreciated! Thanks Dr. K and no doubt I'll see you again soon! Thanks so much!"

~ Weekly calls on Wednesdays at 12p CDT (your time here)
~ Submit your Q's via form box before the call that will be addressed anonymously
~ Replays available
~ Instant access to the previous calls!
~ 3-month minimum commitment
*I will get to as many questions as possible in the order of submission - if multiple questions are similar, they will be bundled. If your question is not answered that week & is still relevant for you, re-submit it again for the following week!
This is a subscription product billed on a monthly basis until you cancel. 3 month minimum commitment required.
$55/Month x 3This is a subscription product billed quarterly until you cancel.
$144 PIF & SaveCan we say INSANE??? 🤩

"It is hard to express enough gratitude for my experiences with Dr. Kreft's containers. I can safely say that it has completely jump-started my spiritual awakening and realignment on what I really want to BE while here on this earth. Her intuitive ability to take the sharp edges off all the judgment, fear, and scarcity mindset that inevitably comes up when embarking on a change is unlike anything I've ever seen. Now when I come against a blocker, my 'inner Dr. K' whispers a reminder that I can focus on instead and allow the experience to just happen and flow. You were attracted here for a reason, so I recommend jumping in anywhere then watch how it will create greater - because it totally will!"
Oh, & one more thing!! 👇🏻
⚡️A la Carte Hot Seat! 🚀
Optional add-on w/ your membership purchase!
👉🏻Once inside, you will have the option to ADD-ON an a la carte hot-seat!
Schedule your slot for 15-20 min of LIVE 1:1 coaching & facilitation w me! One - two slots will be available at the beginning of each Office Hours call. If none are scheduled, I will jump right into the submitted questions!
$55/ seat add-on