Have you ever thought:

I'm not ready or good enough to help & contribute to others

Most of my past successes were just good luck

Who would be interested me? I don't really have anything unique or special to offer

They are just being nice to me, they don't actually mean it

People are going to realize I'm not as good as I think I am

I should just shrink my dreams so I'm not disappointed

If this at all sounds familiar, then I bet I can guess some things you do...

You keep really busy consuming educational content so you feel productive, & when you rest you feel like there is something you SHOULD be doing

You have high standards & set even higher achievements for yourself otherwise what's the point?

You are already onto your next certification/training because you still don't know enough, you have to find that RIGHT tool/method that's out there

You never feel really satisfied with your work because it could always be better

You wish someone could just tell you exactly what to do & you'd do it

You often think others "know more" than you do

"Working with Dr. K was such a great experience. What did I love most? Dr. K sees things "differently" and was always able to offer an interesting perspective. I loved that she was sharing her own journey in real time and it was all so practical and helpful. Dr. K shared so much more than expected which I really appreciated! Thanks Dr. K and no doubt I'll see you again soon! Thanks so much!"


I'm sure you've heard it before: People who have what you desire aren't necessarily more talented than you, they simply BELIEVE in themselves.


So if the answer is so simple, why is it so challenging to embody?

Well, do you want the long answer or the short one?!

In a nutshell, it's your programming or software that keeps you in the loop. And it takes some significant awareness to upgrade to a new program while still functioning from the old.

But when you do, can you just imagine for a second:

🛞Feeling confident in your work & what you create

🛞Getting off the hamster wheel of obtaining another certification & start integrating your own style

🛞That you get to be abundant for authentically & unapologetically being YOU

🛞Finding a balance between work inspired flows & restorative rest

🛞Choosing things that have made you scared in the past & doing it anyway. What a thrilling accomplishment!

Ultimately when you start doing things outside of your comfort zone is WHEN you start to build the confidence, not before. So it's more about getting over the FREEZE response & choosing whatever it is you are resisting.


So what is that? What are you being pinged to CREATE?

Think back to a time when you accomplished something new... let's say riding a bike. You didn't know HOW to do it, you just gave it a go (or many like yours truly) - but you didn't decide you couldn't or that you were an imposter ahead of time, you just went for it!

So what is the difference now? As kids, we were MUCH more willing to fall down, not judge ourselves & simply try again.

So what would it take to choose that??

Imagine no longer being STOPPED by your fear of things you want to create. You have the DESIRE for a reason! It is NOT random. You were brought here to do exactly that!

And how do you know what that is? Because it excites you!! So for what purpose would you NOT choose it???

"It is hard to express enough gratitude for my experiences with Dr. Kreft's containers. I can safely say that it has completely jump-started my spiritual awakening and realignment on what I really want to BE while here on this earth. Her intuitive ability to take the sharp edges off all the judgment, fear, and scarcity mindset that inevitably comes up when embarking on a change is unlike anything I've ever seen. Now when I come against a blocker, my 'inner Dr. K' whispers a reminder that I can focus on instead and allow the experience to just happen and flow. You were attracted here for a reason, so I recommend jumping in anywhere then watch how it will create greater - because it totally will!"


So let's clear the doubt, judgment & any other faulty beliefs that have you stuck playing small mmmkay??

Think about it, a comfort zone is not really that comfortable when you are constantly longing for something else.

Really your options are:

Discomfort in the old OR scare-cited for the NEW!

I'll take the later pleaaaaase! Let's go!

Program Content:

All content is ready for immediate download.

🌿4 30-min guided Reprogramming and Rewiring sessions

🌿 10 audio lessons averaging 25 min ea

1. The Why & What of Imposter Syndrome: Learn my unique take on the energetics & subconscious beliefs holding the label in place.

2. Energetics & Nervous System Foundation: Understand how the nervous system informs your baseline frequency & the thoughts you think.

3. The Trap of Perfection & Control: Know how you are unconsciously trying to control your reality which is repelling what you want.

4. The Judgmental Inner Critic: Learn how to shut-down the inner critic & stop living from the holy grail of JUDGMENT, even if you think you already don’t…

5. Fear of Failure & Procrastination: Understand how these states are merely informed from the nervous system & can be easily shifted.

 6. The Worth & Doubt Lie: Reprogram your focus off these limiting beliefs so that they no longer stop you!

7. Comparison & Consumption: Learn why more mindless consumption is simply a distraction from you taking action.

8. The Power of Question: Know my go-to questions I live by to reframe anything!

 9. Become the Master Regulator: Know the EXACT nervous system tools to re-regulate out of the imposter frequency.

10. How to Rehearse Your CEO Self: Understand mental rehearsal at an embodied level so that you can dramatically change your reality & step into the CONFIDENT you.


Investment in YOU - $555 USD

YES! I am ready!!

"Working with Dr. Kreft has been a great experience from start to finish. From the first call I felt at ease and was excited to start on this journey with her. She has a way of making me feel confident even when there is so much doubt and uncertainty around the things I want to do. I gained confidence, clarity, and insight through our journey together and I look forward to working with her again in the near future."


Is this program FOR YOU?


This investment is for folks who:

🛞Are DONE being frozen from fear & not taking action

🛞Are READY to take a leap outside of their comfort zone

🛞Are over WAITING to start until all circumstances are perfect

🛞Are READY to drop the “trying to figure it out” & are READY to be led internally

🛞Are EXHAUSTED from the doubt & the inner self-critic, and KNOW something else is possible

YES! I am ready!!

"Working with Dr. Kreft has really been a game changer for myself and my business growth! Entrepreneurship can be incredibly rewarding but it also comes with challenges, especially around mindset and themes of 'not being good enough', 'what makes me different from other people' and so on. If this sounds like you, I highly recommend joining her program! Dr. Kreft possesses the skill set to help push you through the other side of this journey. She holds space and offers an invitation to safely step into the realm of curiosity and possibility around our business... a place we are often hesitant to go on our own when first starting out. I can't thank her enough!"