Tired of all the traditional sales & marketing strategies that feel incongruent with your energy & don't always work?


What if something else were possible?


What if the "strategy" was largely irrelevant & it was more the energy you BE?


Think of it this way: Have you seen a million different ways people sell things? And an infinite amount of offers? That's because it is truly possible to sell anything.

Do you believe it?

The challenging piece is when you are struggling, it is easy to focus on scarcity & seek to CONVINCE people to buy.

👉🏻Maybe you have lowered your prices to something that creates resentment for you.

👉🏻Maybe you have spammed people with stage-5 clinger energy hoping that if you just sell your offer RIGHT, you'll be able to convert them.

👉🏻Maybe you DM them soooooo much information hoping they will understand how great your offer is yet they ghost you.

👉🏻Maybe you are so frustrated going in circles trying everything & feeling paralyzed in what to choose next.

If you are anything like me, then you have a strong desire to "succeed." To get your gifts out into the world - because deep down, you KNOW you have something transformative to offer.

Now HOW to pay the bills & sooooo much more with that?

So what would create greater for you & your business? Let's:

⚡️Get clarity on the types of offers that feel really juicy for you

⚡️Get congruent w your pricing that feels like a gift of contribution & receiving (versus giving & taking)

⚡️Release money blocks stopping you from scaling your biz

⚡️Learn HOW to cultivate the receiving (attraction) mode

⚡️Learn HOW to energetically pull (invite) clients in your world

⚡️Increase your capacity to RECEIVE

5 previously recorded calls delivered via email for instant download and enjoyment.




Investment: $444 USD