Is this FOR YOU?

Choosing YOU - the purpose bundle


For the soul on a self-healing & transformational journey ready to gain massive clarity & abundance from their soul's PURPOSE.



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If you are ready to discover your purpose & become magnetic to abundance, Choosing YOU is for you.

Reality Check



You can't access your gifts & creativity when you are stuck in a fight/flight, survival mode.

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Does this resonate?


  • You hate you 9-5 but have no idea what else to do for money
  • You generally feel flat about everything so how would you even know what excites you?
  • You are so accustomed to being agreeable that you have no idea what your passion is
  • Crowded spaces feel overwhelming - like you know what everyone else is thinking & feeling yet you can't hear YOU
  •  You feel like you've worked on yourself already but with no real tangible results & are nervous to try something else, what if it doesn't work?




Who told you that you have to sell your soul to survive & can't make money from your passion?


 What if you came here because deep down you knew something else were possible?

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Is NOW the time to:


  • Gain clarity on what you're passionate about & what light's your soul up?
  • Learn the exact tools to heal trauma holistically & step into a fulfilling purpose?
  • Become magnetic to abundance naturally as a by-product of living out your soul's mission?
  • No longer experience the paralyzation of overwhelm that stops you from moving forward on your purpose?
  • Hear & trust your intuition clearly?






What if You didn't have to struggle for the rest of your life?


What if you didn't have to 

struggle for the rest of your life?


Are you ready to THRIVE?


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By the end of Choosing YOU, you'll have learnt how to:


  • Get PRESENT with the unconscious beliefs holding you back 
  • Regulate your nervous system ON-COMMAND to release trapped trauma so that fear & doubt never stop you again
  • MASTER energy fluency so that you can follow YOUR intuition & become MAGNETIC
  • Rewire your MINDSET to embody your soul's calling




Exploring Your Purpose

My 12 module, jam-packed signature course taking you through step-by-step the transformational journey to gain massive clarity. I cover trauma healing, boundaries, deciphering between ego & intuition, clarity on purpose, and manifesting abundance. Worksheets & hypnoses included!

Heal a Dysregulated Nervous System

The nervous system directly impacts your experience in this reality. Trauma? Anxiety? Insomnia? On edge? Learning to regulate your nervous system on command & releasing built up trauma is an invaluable tool to create the life you are desiring. Guided breathworks, tapping, trauma informed somatics & unique tools included.


I often see folks teaching about reprogramming yet miss key elements. It is crucial to be aware of limiting beliefs & rewiring in a way that feels believable to you. If not, you could be creating the opposite of what you want. Another key piece in the trauma recovery process.

Courage to Choose 3-part Telecall Series Replay

Three hours of decimating doubt, shattering scarcity, & choosing in the face of fear. The main themes that stop people from choosing. This is definitely not the way you've heard it talked about before.

All Content at your finger tips!



Download the Kajabi app to access all content anytime anywhere!

a new you!



What does it take to change your reality? Different choices - which seems obvious no? Yet what is the scary choice you are avoiding? Your freedom lies on the other side of that!

Want to know your unconscious beliefs?

Physical symptoms are the window into the psyche.



As a functional medicine practitioner who consults people around the world struggling with autoimmunity, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and digestive problems; I see firsthand the bidirectional relationship between our thoughts and emotions, and the health of our body. Being able to partner with my esteemed colleague, Dr. Janine Kreft for my patients health journey, is a sacred responsibility to me. Her experience in this pivotal mind-body connection is unparalleled."


Dr. Will Cole
Functional Medicine Expert & NY Times Best Seller


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Choosing YOU - the purpose bundle



Are you overwhelmed with all of the healing & transformational advice online? Where do you even start? What if you had a step-by-step process to walk through it instead?

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Learn the exact process & tools I teach my 1:1 clients.


In order to HAVE the reality you want, you have to CHOOSE AS your future self. Is this the change you have been asking for?


"Working with Dr. Kreft has been a great experience from start to finish. I felt at ease and was excited to start on this journey. She has a way of making me feel confident even when there is so much doubt and uncertainty around the things I want to do. I gained confidence, clarity, and insight through our journey together and I look forward to working with her again in the near future."


"I have switched my mindset from 'what the heck am I doing' to 'I see the path more clearly and there is space for me to be a business owner.' You understand the struggle and also the place where it is coming from, which gives an extra dimension to the learning curve. I felt free to speak and you created a safe place to simply be me and build from there, without any judgment. I am very grateful our paths have crossed."


"Working with Dr. Kreft has really been a game changer for myself and my business growth! Entrepreneurship can be incredibly rewarding but it also comes with challenges, especially around mindset and themes of 'not being good enough', 'what makes me different from other people' and so on. If this sounds like you, I highly recommend joining her program! Dr. Kreft possesses the skill set to help push you through the other side of this journey. She holds space and offers an invitation to safely step into the realm of curiosity and possibility around our business... a place we are often hesitant to go on our own when first starting out. I can't thank her enough!"


"It is hard to express enough gratitude for my experiences with Dr. Kreft's containers. I can safely say that it has completely jump-started my spiritual awakening and realignment on what I really want to BE while here on this earth. Her intuitive ability to take the sharp edges off all the judgment, fear, and scarcity mindset that inevitably comes up when embarking on a change is unlike anything I've ever seen. Now when I come against a blocker, my 'inner Dr. K' whispers a reminder that I can focus on instead and allow the experience to just happen and flow. You were attracted here for a reason, so I recommend jumping in anywhere then watch how it will create greater - because it totally will!"


I'm ready!

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Still Got Questions?

I'm choosing it!
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Still having doubts?


Ask yourself the following:

  • Truth, will choosing this create a greater reality for me, yes or no?
  • Is this for now or for later?
  • What would an abundant person choose?
  • What would my future self choose?
  • What am I aware of that choosing this will create for me?
  • Who would I BE, if I no longer feared the doubt, overwhelm, or scarcity?
  • Is this the program I have been asking for?


In reality, only YOU know if this is for you. This is part of learning self-trust - something I also teach in this program.

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Nervous to leap. Hating my 9-5 & the lack of freedom. Capped with my income & shackled by student loans. 


Until one day, I stopped justifying WHY I couldn't do it & CHOSE it.



What if it was not the impossible thing to choose? What if you chose it & it changed everything for you? 



I'm choosing it!
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