Why judgment?
Judgment activates the nervous system. And a dysregulated nervous system is at the root of about EVERY mental & physical issue.
Despite being taught dynamically to function from judgment in this reality, it actually does not create greater for you or the planet.
Think for a minute, does nature function from judgment? NO. So for what purpose have we all bought into it as true & real & the way to BE?
Judgment is something I work very closely w my 1:1's to unravel.
It is at the root of our limiting beliefs, creates resistance, & blocks being able to manifest the life you are desiring.
So what else is possible? What would it take to free yourself of it? Are you willing to be that different?
ππ»Learn all of the macro & sneaky micro ways you judge yourself & WHY it is blocking ease from your life.
ππ»Learn HOW to reprogram yourself to start letting go of judgment
ππ» Learn HOW to not be at effect of others slinging criticism your way & choose what YOU want in life
ππ»Learn HOW to reverse the cycle & start cultivating a receiving (attraction) mode w ease!

2 previously recorded calls
Delivered via email for instant download and enjoyment.
Investment: $111 USD
(This class is included with the Courage to Choose membership. Learn more about the membership HERE.)